
My new HomeTown!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Italy in the Spring

I got this

Buon Giorno!

It's been a while since my last post, sorry about that! The weather has been sooo amazing here in Florence, that I've been out and about, and hardly am able dedicate any time to the computer. womp womp

Between school and exploring, I can say that I am living a pretty fulfilling life, haha.

I miss all my family and friends back home, so much! I can't wait to get back, but for now, I guess I'll just have to deal with my homesickness in "dumb ole Europe" hahaha. Poor me. :(


I should have some pretty cool blogs coming out. I have a little history thing on the Medici Family, some incredible photos from the Piazza di Michelangelo ( favorite spot in Florence), as well as some cool scenery shots from around the city.

Some cool news is that I've been inside the Santa Cruce, and I've seen the graves of Michelangelo, Galileo and, of course, the Medici Family.

Ciao for now, but more exciting news and pictures to come!

Me, Nicole, Ren hahaha

Can you spot me?

I'm going to make a Pizza and Gelato blog.... muahahaha. Italy's finest foods.

Krista, Me, Jason - haha

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